Book Summaries

The Wager

The Wager by Davis Grann

The Wager” by David Grann, a New York Times bestselling novelist known for intriguing historical thrillers, has earned a slew of positive reviews attesting to its enthralling and vivid narrative. “The Wager” by David Grann, a New York Times bestselling…

Age of Vice

Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor

Deepti Kapoor’s “Age of Vice” is an engrossing and multidimensional novel that has received widespread notice and acclaim. The literary criminal thriller “Age of Vice” is set in northern India in the early years of the twenty-first century. It all…


Pomegranate by Helen Elaine Lee

Pomegranate: A novel that goes into the life of Ranita Atwater, a gay Black woman attempting to reinvent herself after serving a four-year jail term “Pomegranate” by Helen Elaine Lee is a novel that goes into the life of Ranita…